Player Development (Cambridge roadrunners Girls' Hockey Association)

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Player development in hockey is crucial for improving skills, advancing through the various levels offered within an association, and helping to create a winning team and environment.


In order to assist players and families with their personal development, the CrGHA has dedicated resources to assist players with their development in three key areas:


Physical and Mental Training:

Proper physical and mental training enhances players’ techniques, decision-making abilities, and game awareness. Physical training helps prevent injuries and improves muscle strength, power, and agility for improved skating and shooting. Mental training is important to help with pre-game preparation and other psychological demands of the game.


Skill Development:

Proper skill development helps players become more effective on the ice, boosts individual confidence, and enhances their ability to execute plays and strategies during games. Individual skill development is often based on proper technique and repetition, and focused in the following areas:

·         Skating – emphasis on speed, stride and edgework to allow for quick and effective player movement.

·         Stickhandling – the players ability to maneuver the puck for proper placement and execution of plays.

·         Shooting – the ability to quickly, forcibly and accurately place the puck on net.

·         Passing – the accurate sending and receiving of the puck to facilitate team play.


Understanding of the Game:

Beyond conditioning and individual skill, it is important for players to understand how the game of hockey is played. Understanding the game includes learning about player positioning, team tactics, player deployment and modern coaching techniques. It is also important to understand various off-ice elements of the game, including the non-linear path of player development, how players progress though minor hockey, the try-out process and importance of proper team placement, and the impact of improper player/parent conduct. A comprehensive understanding of these (and other) elements of the game are critical to player development, advancement, and team selection. 

Players are encouraged to click on the links below to learn more about the resources the CrGHA has made available to assist with player development in each of these key areas.