2022 Cambridge roadrunners Girls' Hockey Association Tournament Rules
1. Hockey Canada and OWHA rules shall apply except where listed below.
2. The OWHA minimum suspension guidelines will be strictly enforced. All suspensions will be enforced according to the OWHA 2019-2020 Hand Book.
3. A maximum of 18 skaters and 2 goalies may be registered with each team.
4. A player may only participate with one designated team in a tournament and may only participate in one tournament on any date.
5. A copy of an OWHA team roster must be presented to tournament officials prior to first game.
a) To be eligible to participate in the tournament, the participant’s name must appear on the team roster form submitted with the entry form. Players on Ontario teams must be registered with the OWHA. The OWHA “pick up consent” form will be honoured and must be included where necessary. IMPORTANT: The team manager must produce a clear and legible copy of the original OWHA Participant Registration Form and all pertinent Participant Change information for review prior to the first game.
b) Changes to the roster must be made in writing and will not be permitted after registration prior to the first game. No “pick up” players will be permitted after the first game has been played.
c) USA Teams must be registered/sanctioned with USA Hockey
6. All players and team officials must sign the game sheet prior to each Game.
7. All teams MUST be available to play 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time of any game.
8. All Round Robin games are pre-set on the schedule. All home teams during elimination games are determined by which team had the better record after round robin play
9. Home teams must wear light coloured jerseys where possible. In the event of a conflict, the home team must change their jerseys. Visiting teams will advise opposing team and the tournament officials of any conflict 30 minutes prior to game time. Pinnies may be used as required.
10. There will be a 3-minute warm-up period prior to each game. (starts immediately when the arena doors are closed) There will also be a 1- minute rest between periods.
11. If the goal differential in any game, is 5 or greater, at any time in the third period, the clock will run until the spread is reduced to 3 goals, then the stop time shall resume.
12. If there are more than 30 minutes in combined penalty minutes (including; minors, majors and misconducts), the balance of the game will be completed at running time (no stop time).
13. Players will shake hands after the game once the referee gives the go ahead.
14. Respect the referees at all times
15. It is the Team’s responsibility to ensure a clean dressing room is left upon completion of their game. All teams must vacate the dressing room 20 minutes or less after their game is completed.
16. All officiating decisions, whether made on-ice by referees or off-ice by the tournament officials, are FINAL!!! There will be no appeals!
Round Robin Games
22. Round robin games will consist of three stop time periods as follows:
a) Senior A, U22 A, U18 A, U18 BB, U15 AA, U15 A: 12-12-15.
(i) Flooding of the ice will occur at the end of each game.
(ii) Two (2) on-ice officials for U18 A, U18 BB, U15 AA and U15 A during these game
(iii) Three (3) on-ice officials for Senior A and U22 A
b) All other divisions: 10-10-12. Flooding of the ice will occur at the end of each game.
c) Flooding of the ice can be deferred or moved between periods at the Tournament Committee’s discretion.
d) There will be no time-outs in round robin
23. Teams will be awarded 2 points for a WIN, 1 Point for a TIE and Zero Points for a LOSS.
24. Standings after the round robin will be calculated on the basis of the points awarded as per rule #23. In the event of a tie the following criteria will be used to break the tie.
a) Most Wins
b) Winner between the tied teams when they played Head to Head (not applicable in a 3 way tie)
c) Scoring Differential for all games;
d) Fewest goals against;
e) Most goals for;
f) Least penalty minutes;
g) Coin Toss;
Note: Tie Breaker Rules must be followed in order. Once a Tie Breaker rule has been used or is deemed not applicable, it cannot be used again.
Elimination and Consolation Games
25. Elimination games are played to a Winner. Consolation games are played under the same rules as round robin play.
26. These games will consist of three stop time periods as follows:
a) Senior A, U22 A, U18 A, U18 BB, U15 AA, U15 A: 12-12-15.
(i) Flooding of the ice will occur at the end of each game.
(ii) Three (3) on-ice officials for elimination games
(iii) Two (2) on-ice officials for consolation games
b) All other divisions: 10-10-12. Flooding of the ice will occur at the end of each game.
c) Flooding of the ice can be deferred or moved between periods at the Tournament Committee’s discretion.
d) One-30 second time out will be allowed for each team.
e) Each Team must designate 3 shooters (S1,S2,S3) on the game sheet prior to the start of the game.
27. Teams do not change ends for Overtime or Shoot Outs.
Championship Games
28. Championship games are played to a Winner.
a) Senior A, U22A, U18 A, U18 BB, U15 AA, U15 A: 12-12-15.
(i) Flooding of the ice will occur at the end of each game.
(ii) Three (3) on-ice officials
b) All other divisions: 10-10-12. Flooding of the ice will occur at the end of each game.
c) Flooding of the ice can be deferred or moved between periods at the Tournament Committee’s discretion.
d) One-30 second time out will be allowed for each team.
e) Each Team must designate 3 shooters (S1,S2,S3) on the game sheet prior to the start of the game.
29. Teams do not change ends for Overtime or Shoot Outs.
30. In the event of a tie at the end of regulation time a SUDDEN VICTORY 3 MINUTE overtime will commence. Teams will play 3 on 3 for this 3-minute overtime and changes will only be allowed on the fly, no changes on a whistle.
31. If a team is assessed a penalty, the penalized team will remain at 3 skaters while the non-penalized team plays with four skaters (ex: 4 on 3) AT NO TIME WILL THERE BE LESS THAN 3 PLAYERS AND A GOALIE PER TEAM ON THE ICE.
a) When the penalty expires the teams will play 4 on 4 until a whistle. If a team is assessed a 2nd penalty while the 1st penalty has not expired then play will be 5 on 3, if there is no whistle, it goes to 5 on 4 when the first player comes out, then goes to 5 on 5 when the second player comes out. It returns to 3 on 3 once the whistle goes a stoppage in play.
32. If still tied at the end of overtime, a 2nd SUDDEN VICTORY 2 MINUTE overtime will commence. Teams will play 2 on 2 for this 2-minute overtime and changes will only be allowed on the fly, no changes on a whistle.
a) Rule 31 applies in the same manner when a penalty is called (ex: 3 on 2) and no less than 2 players and a goalie will remain on the ice.
33. There will be NO FLOODS between Overtime Periods.
32. If still tied at the end of overtime a SHOOTOUT will commence.
34. Any player serving a penalty at the end of the overtime will NOT be eligible to participate in the Shoot Out and must remain in the penalty box for the duration of the Shootout
35. All Players, except Shooters and Goalies, will be on the bench.
36. Shooters from both teams will shoot simultaneously, starting at center ice.
37. Once a player has shot, they will proceed to the penalty box.
38. Coaches must use the designated shooters in order on the game sheet. (ex:S1, S2,S3)
39. This is a BEST OF 3 Shootout.
40. If still tied after 3 shooters the coach will designate the next shooter until the game is decided. Shooters from both teams will shoot simultaneously until a goal is scored by one of the teams only (declaring a winner).
41. A player can only shoot once until the smallest of the rosters of eligible players has been gone through completely (minus goalies) at which point the team with the larger roster may elect to have a player who has already shot, shoot again.
Tournament Format
42. Divisions of 4: Teams will be randomly seeded in one pool. Each team will play a 3-game round robin. At the end of the round robin, the teams will advance to the semi-finals (1st vs 4th, 2nd vs 3rd). The winners will play Gold Championship and the Losers will play for Bronze Championship
43. Divisions of 6: Teams will be selected into 2 pools of 3 teams each (Pool A & B). Each team will play a 3-game crossover round robin. At the end of the round robin, top two teams in each pool will play a semi-final game within each pool (ex: 1st Pool A vs 2nd Pool A etc.) The winners will play Gold Championship and the Losers will play for Bronze Championship. The 3rd place teams will play a consolation game (3rd Pool A vs 3rd Pool B)
44. Divisions of 8: Teams will be selected into 2 pools of 4 teams each (Pool A & B). Each pool will play a 4 game crossover round robin. At the end of the round robin the teams will be seeded within their pool based on points. The 1st place teams in each pool will advance to the Gold Championship (1st Pool A vs 1st Pool B) and the 2nd place teams in each pool will play for the Bronze Championship. (2nd Pool A vs 2nd Pool B)
45. Divisions of 9: Teams will be randomly seeded in one pool, and each team will play a 4-game round robin. Teams will be seeded based on points and the top 4 teams will advance to Championships. (1st vs 2nd plays Gold Championship and 3rd vs 4th plays Bronze Championship)
The Tournament Committee reserves itself the final word on the interpretation of the rules.
OWHA, Municipality & City Insurance Regulations.
(Photographs may be taken from the player’s bench)
Good Luck to all teams!
OWHA Sanction #TBA