CrGHA Board of Directors Meeting, News (Cambridge roadrunners Girls' Hockey Association)

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Dec 14, 2016 | roadrunners Hockey | 1272 views
CrGHA Board of Directors Meeting
Wed. Dec 14th, 2016 7:30 Preston Aud

rr_logo.png             Wed. Dec 14th, 2016 7:30 Preston Aud

1.Review and Approve Meeting notes - Tina Moore

- Minutes from November

2. Presidents Message- Kirsty Booth

- Alec Malatches award

3. Financial Update- Dennis Cassidy


4.Update Travel- Kyle Deighan


5.Update House League- Karen Batty

- DS update


6. Director of Development- Shawn Maltby

- Power Skating Update

- Coaches Selection Committee - timeline

7. Director of Marketing- Dawn Coleman

- Update

8. Secretary/Registrar Update- Tina Moore

- update from last month’s minutes

- Roadrunner Day at Guelph Storm

- picture update


9. Equipment– Jimmy Pereira


10. Parent Volunteer- Aaron Gooding


11. Referee Liaison- Steve Robinson

- update

12. Ice Scheduler- Scott Reiner


13. Tournament – Barry Moore/Jimmy Pereira

- update from meeting

14. Other

rr_logo.png   roadrunners aspires to be the leader in the development of girls hockey players in southwestern Ontario, while ensuring the girls enjoy the game of hockey while maximizing their potential.

101 Holiday Inn Drive, PO Box 29046 Cambridge, ON N3C 0E6
