1.Review and Approve Meeting notes - Tina Moore
- Minutes from November
2. Presidents Message- Kirsty Booth
- Alec Malatches award
3. Financial Update- Dennis Cassidy
4.Update Travel- Kyle Deighan
5.Update House League- Karen Batty
- DS update
6. Director of Development- Shawn Maltby
- Power Skating Update
- Coaches Selection Committee - timeline
7. Director of Marketing- Dawn Coleman
- Update
8. Secretary/Registrar Update- Tina Moore
- update from last month’s minutes
- Roadrunner Day at Guelph Storm
- picture update
9. Equipment– Jimmy Pereira
10. Parent Volunteer- Aaron Gooding
11. Referee Liaison- Steve Robinson
- update
12. Ice Scheduler- Scott Reiner
13. Tournament – Barry Moore/Jimmy Pereira
- update from meeting
14. Other