Nov 15, 2015 | roadrunners Hockey | 1083 views
Coaches Co-Ed Shinny
The first Cambridge roadrunner Coaches Co-Ed Shinny was announced early last week and within days the 20 player and 2 goalie spots were filled to capacity with coaches from teams across the organization comprised of house to travel staff.
Each coach came to the arena armed with their equipment and the reminders of play that they instil in our young charges at our team's weekly practices and games.
The game was played with speed and puck movement that fans of the NHL would be impressed with. The goalies battled to games of 5 before changing ends, only doing so 3 times in the 1 1/2 hour tilt. The skating was fast, the passing crisp, the water was freezing and the banter was never ending in a fun filled game as new friends were made from acquaintances.
With the overwhelming positive response to this inaugural event, stay tuned as we'll have another soon. Come out, meet other coaches and join in on this fun event.