roadrunner Families,
At the
2015 Cambridge roadrunners Girls' Hockey Association (CrGHA) Annual General
Meeting, I was elected to the position of Parent Volunteer Coordinator.
Volunteers are the backbone of our hockey
association, and we require dozens of them throughout the year, at Bingos,
CrGHA Hockey Tournament, Sweater Dance, Golf Tournament, and our newly
introduced roadrunner Days.
We require volunteers for the upcoming Bingo date of Sunday, May 31st at 9:45am-12:15pm. Two trained volunteers will need to be there 10 minutes early. Arrangements will be made to supply volunteers with CrGHA polo shirts and name tags that must be worn during the event.
Please respond directly to me and advise me if you are available, and willing to represent the Cambridge roadrunners at this or future Bingo fundraising events.
If you have not taken the mandatory training, you may sign up for training at the website below.
Upcoming roadrunner Bingo Volunteer Opportunities
31-May-2015 2 SUN 1 Morning 9:45 am to 12:15 pm
04-Jul-2015 7 SAT 1 Morning 9:45 am to 12:15 pm
20-Jul-2015 9 MON 4 Late Nite 9:00 pm to 11:30 pm
22-Jul-2015 10 WED 3 Evening 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
09-Aug-2015 12 SUN 1 Morning 9:45 am to 12:15 pm
23-Aug-2015 2 SUN 1 Morning 9:45 am to 12:15 pm
26-Sep-2015 7 SAT 1 Morning 9:45 am to 12:15 pm
12-Oct-2015 9 MON 4 Late Nite 9:00 pm to 11:30 pm
14-Oct-2015 10 WED 3 Evening 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
01-Nov-2015 12 SUN 1 Morning 9:45 am to 12:15 pm
15-Nov-2015 2 SUN 1 Morning 9:45 am to 12:15 pm
19-Dec-2015 7 SAT 1 Morning 9:45 am to 12:15 pm
Thank you,
Aaron Gooding
Cambridge roadrunners Girls' Hockey Association (CrGHA)
Parent Volunteer Coordinator
[email protected]