CrGHA Fall Newsletter, News (Cambridge roadrunners Girls' Hockey Association)

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Nov 15, 2014 | roadrunners Hockey | 11564 views
CrGHA Fall Newsletter
The roadrunners' fall newsletter is here!

Find out about what is going on in our great association!


          Welcome to the 2014-15 season of Cambridge roadrunners hockey.


The Board is made up of volunteer parents who have a love for hockey, we have been working hard over the summer in preparation for the season. We are so excited to see the season kick off! We have 365 registered players in our association which is up slightly vs a year ago.

This year the association members voted in some new Board executives, and Board members along with existing Board members to further develop and grow our hockey program. We have a great mixture of diversified talents that will help make the girls season a great one and set us up for future growth. Our goal continues to be to develop and promote a positive hockey experience for the girls that participate in our association.

We have made some positive steps to improve both short term and long term growth of our association. The Board has put a renewed interest and focus into development programs that will benefit all teams, both travel and house league. We realize that hockey continues to be an expensive sport and we must take steps that don’t put more financial burden on the parents. We instituted an association sponsorship program this year that consists of website advertising, logos on jerseys and travel banner signs. The monies generated will benefit all girls (travel & house) with coaching clinics, goalie clinics and on ice training for our coaches. We are also looking to apply for government grants that are available for hockey in-depth development.


1.      The Board is pleased to welcome a new Senior BB travel team to the association. We wish them tremendous success this season.

2.      Our tournament is fast approaching January 16-18th. We have over 100 teams from around the province visiting. Scotiabank will be running a 50/50 draw at the tournament all weekend. They will match 100% of all funds raised. We encourage all members of the association to buy a 50/50 ticket.

3.      Don’t forget the upcoming sweater dance. Saturday, November 29th, 8:00 p.m. at the United Kingdom Club (35 International Village Drive, Cambridge).

4.    The Rivulettes are pleased to be participating in their 2nd Annual Pink in the Rink game in partnership with CrGHA. The game is on November 28th at 7:30 at Preston Aud. Lots of events and activities lined up! Proceeds will be donated to Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation!

Additional projects and task the Board is working on in preparation for next season:

·        Cost reduction: The board is investigating different type of socks and jerseys to help reduce the cost for parents in 2015/16 season. We continue to evaluate all expenditures to ensure we keep the cost down.

·        Safety: We are investigating baseline testing for all girls. This will ensure we have proper measurements if a player has symptoms of a concussion.

·        Development program: Provide a roadmap for our development program in 2015/2016 for all players and coaches. This will consist of on and off ice programs.

·        Rookies program for 2015/16. Our enrolment, in this key age group, is declining and this will be a key focal point for growth with our association.

Please note, all board meetings are the second week of each month and are posted on the Cambridge roadrunners site. Agenda’s will be posted on our website. Please feel free to join us anytime. If you should ever have any questions, please contact any one of the Board members. We are parents just like you and are here to help!

roadrunners aspires to be the leader in the development of girls hockey players in southwestern Ontario, while ensuring the girls enjoy the game of hockey while maximizing their potential.

101 Holiday Inn Drive, PO Box 29046 Cambridge, ON N3C 0E6

