Jul 21, 2023 | Chris Wighton | 264 views
CrGHA Board Update
Good Day roadrunners,
On behalf of the Cambridge roadrunners Board of Directors, I would like to announce and welcome Amanda Coad to CrGHA as our newest member.
Amanda will be transitioning into the role of Ice Scheduler over the next few weeks.
The CrGHA Board and our membership is grateful that Amanda has stepped forward to fill this key role within the organization.
Welcome to the team!
A forthcoming proposed amendment to the CrGHA Constitution (Section 6.06(d)) will be presented to the membership in the coming weeks to assist with the seamless transition of Amanda into this role.
For those members interested in joining the CrGHA Board, we still have the following Board positions available;
-Director at Large - Treasurer
-Parent Volunteer Coordinator
-Goalie Development.
Chris Wighton
President / CrGHA