2022/2023 House League opportunities, News (Cambridge roadrunners Girls' Hockey Association)

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Apr 29, 2022 | roadrunners Hockey | 969 views
2022/2023 House League opportunities
As we are completing tryouts for our travel teams this year, I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of what we are planning for house league so you can make an informed decision of where you will play in the upcoming season.

Last year we ran a development ice session weekly, organized and run by two PWHPA players that was very successful.  Pending enough interest, we intend to run this program again this season.  Each team is also encouraged to attend three tournaments throughout the year on top of their regular KGLL season games.  With enough players we are intending to run a DS team in every age division.  This includes an extra ice time a week for development, as well as 8 games and up to another 3 tournaments for U13 and above.

With House League and DS, your daughter can be on the ice 3-4 times a week, compete in 6 tournaments and play approximately 50+ games this season.


I hope to see you on the ice in Cambridge, but obviously respect whatever decision you make for you daughter. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.


Thank you


Ralph O’Brien

VP House League

[email protected]
