House league starting soon!, News (Cambridge roadrunners Girls' Hockey Association)

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Sep 17, 2021 | roadrunners Hockey | 674 views
House league starting soon!
Welcome back House League players and parents! September 25th is the first skate of the season, starting off with an evaluation skate. Please see below or check the calendar for your skate time:

September 25th, Hespeler 2 Arena for all skates.
U8 and U9 8:30AM
U11 9:30AM
U13 10:30AM
U15 11:30AM
U18 and U22 12:30PM

Please be advised that everyone will need to complete the following Covid Questionnaire 24 hours before entering the arena: COVID-19 Screening Questions (

This includes both the player and the parent accompanying them if required. You will be allowed into the arena 15 minutes before the scheduled skate time so please don’t be late. The week following the skate, teams will be formed and coaches will be assigned. You should receive an email from your coach at that time and practices will be scheduled for the following week. Games will begin after October 12th.

As a result of Covid, the OWHA has canceled the DS program for this upcoming season. As a result, we are looking into optional extra development ice. We will have more details at the rink during the evaluation skate. Please let us know at that time if you are interested in attending the extra development skates. Please note there will be an additional charge for this.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I’m look forward to an exciting and “more normal” season coming up and I’ll see you at the rink!
Ralph O’Brien
VP House League