2019-2020 Season Registration is OPEN!, News (Cambridge roadrunners Girls' Hockey Association)

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Jul 10, 2019 | roadrunners Hockey | 2017 views
2019-2020 Season Registration is OPEN!
The registration fees for the upcoming 2019/2020 season are as follows:  

Funds are in Canadian dollars. 
- July 12-31st - Registration Fee $720.00 (raffle tickets included) 
- After July 31st - Late Fee $745.00 (raffle tickets included) 

Each roadrunner skater will be receiving $50 in raffle tickets that are included in this cost.  Cambridge roadrunner tournament is also included in this cost per skater.

Hockey Prep will be receiving $200 in raffle tickets.

Please note: There will be NO EXCEPTIONS to the Late Fee Registration rule. 

ONLINE Payment Options include payment in full by Visa or Mastercard. 
OFFLINE Payment Options include eTransfer and cheque
Payment in full must be received or postmarked on or before July 31st, 2019 to not have Late Fee Charge. 
Please send eTransfers to [email protected]. In the Note section of eTransfer please comment player and team. 
Please make cheques payable to Cambridge roadrunners Girls Hockey Association and send to:

101 Holiday Inn Drive,
P.O. Box 29046
Cambridge, ON N3C 0E6 
Tina Moore Secretary/Registrar