Thank you 2018-19 CrGHA OLG Bingo Volunteers, News (Cambridge roadrunners Girls' Hockey Association)

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Jun 19, 2019 | roadrunners Hockey | 1051 views
Thank you 2018-19 CrGHA OLG Bingo Volunteers
Thank you for your time and effort last season, your hours volunteering helped The Cambridge roadrunners Girls’ Hockey Association 'Develop & Promote Positive Hockey Experiences’.

2018-19 CrGHA OLG Bingo Volunteers
Aaron Gooding
Alison Fraser
Angela Gamble
Christine DeLaFranier
Craig Oliver
Eric Vaz
Gillian Lovrin
Janene Sarabura
Jen Kellett
Jennifer Tunnicliffe
Jim Pereira
Katelynn Howitt
Ken Zimmerman
Kersti Rousom
Krissy Hill
Leanne Pagnan
Linda Gray
Lori Truax
Marcie Schwindt
Mark Keogh
Matt Cunliffe
Donna Keeping
Kim Elliot
Racha Ibrahim
Michelle Kuchma
Rob Hedges
Shannon Holmes
Shelby Hayes
Stephanie Gorgi
Steve Robinson
Tanner Kerr
Tenley baker
Tim LePage
Trudy Clegg
Valerie O'Neil
Wayne Elliott